Population: 42,854
Area: 508.1 square miles
Population Density: 84.3 people per square mile
Citation: U.S. Census Bureau (2017). American Community Survey 5-year estimates. Retrieved from Census Reporter Profile page for Shenandoah County, VA <>

Population by age category
Population by sex
Race and ethnicity
Household income
Poverty - Children under 18
Poverty - Age 65+
Means of transportation to work
Population by household type
Marital status
Marital status by sex
Women who gave birth during past year, by age group
Occupied vs. vacant
Ownership of occupied units
Types of structures
Year moved in, by percentage of population
Value of owner-occupied housing units
Population migration since previous year
Population by minimum level of education
Language at home, children 5-17
Language at home, adults 18+
Place of birth for foreign-born population
Veterans by wartime service
Population by age range